Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Mystery of the Lake - Chapter 1

We were all sitting in the car like a big family. This was our first time in months that we had seen each other. Katerina was driving and Summers was in the passenger seat and Josephine was in the back. Katerina is a person who was a cluts ,but was kind hearted and was friends with everybody. She is also a funny person with her clumsiness. Summers is the one who always found things out and was the person who was always wanting to explore and do things. She loves to ride horses and solve mystorys. She is fluent in hebrew. Summers favorite horse is mustang. Josephine is a person who always had a bag and wanted to keep treasures and things for her collection. She was the one who helped Katerina with her clumsiness. Josphine also knows Portuguese. Josphine love cats and always brings her cat on every trip. Her cat’s name is gilligan and it is a black cat. gilligan is nice and never bites and loves to solve mystorys too.

While we were driving all the sudden the car STOPED! at first it was frightening . Then we looked at the gas tank and saw that it was empty. We got out of the car and sighed. Then Summers said “look! over there.” We looked and we could see a house far off in the distance. We decided to go there because we needed gas and we were in the mood for an adventure.

So we got our stuff and Josephine grabbed her cat. We took off toward the house. When we reached the house it wasn’t a house it was a old shack the had bullets holes in the windows and on the roof there were spears and arrows. We saw a lake that was close by the old shack we decided to leave and walk around the lake and see if we find a place to stay because it was getting dark out , it was getting cold too and the sun was almost setting .

While we were walking along the beach a little girl from out of nowhere came out and said ”I am on my way into town. You look lost let me help you to the town is called Caperu. My name is Rose. What are your names?”. Josphine said ”This is Katerina and Summers. I am Josphine. We would love it if you would show us the way to the town so we can find a place to sleep, eat and get some gas for our car.” So Rose said “Lets go, we are burning daylight.” So we followed her to the town called caperu.

When we reached the hotel we thanked Rose and got a room. We were glad to have some food. We were very hungry and very curious about the old shack.


molly911 said...

This is a good book

Anonymous said...

It's awesome and it's only our first!