Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hey, It the mellybug reporting for laughter!

Hey guys,

It's the Mellster reporting for laughter. High plaines mysteries are pretty good, we made the book while we were on vacation at the resivore together. I really enjoyed making the book with my two best friends. Now that I know how to work this thing and post things on the blog everything's good. I'm kinda a computer freak^-^ !
Anyway, High Plaines mysteries is very funny. It is about three girls who love to adventure. I based Katrina after myself. She's klutzy and a dork, like myself. Anyway, they are very funny all together I think. I love to write books, I want to become a writter when I grow up and one of the books I would like to publish when I'm older is this book^-^. We planned on making Summers, Josephina and Katrina have their own book series. Mine I hope I can make in manga comics^-^.
Alright, so I wanted to also tell the people who read this that I will come in and write little messages along with my best friends. I hope that you will enjoy the books and what not that we post on here, sincerlly, Mellybug